When the reverse voltage borne by the voltage regulator rectifier diode is greater than its nominal voltage regulation value, the voltage regulator will reverse breakdown to limit the voltage upper limit. After breakdown, the voltage at both ends of the voltage regulator will reach its regulated value.
When the reverse voltage borne by the voltage regulator rectifier diode is greater than its nominal voltage regulation value, the voltage regulator will reverse breakdown to limit the voltage upper limit. After breakdown, the voltage at both ends of the voltage regulator will reach its regulated value.
The operation of rectifier diodes may not be well understood by many people. It is a diode device that converts alternating current energy into direct current energy. Usually it contains a PN junction with two terminals, anode and cathode.
Taking our most common power supply as an example, the configured voltage is 5 volts and the current is 2 amperes. Under normal circumstances, diodes are connected in series in a circuit to protect the downstream circuit from damage caused by reverse power supply. However, due to the significant voltage drop across the diode, this will result in a significant increase in energy loss.
MOS transistor is a metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor, or metal insulator semiconductor. The source and drain of MOS transistors are interchangeable, forming an N-type region in the P-type back gate. In most cases, these two regions are the same, and even the alignment of the two ends does not affect the performance of the device. This device is considered symmetrical.
Field Effect Transistor (FET), abbreviated as Field Effect Transistor. Conducted by majority carriers, also known as unipolar transistors. It belongs to voltage controlled semiconductor devices. The new generation of amplification components developed based on the principle of the transistor has three polarities: gate, drain, and source. Its characteristic is the extremely high internal resistance of the gate, which can reach several hundred megaohms using silicon dioxide material. It belongs to